More favorites folder

My Christmas wish

Please D5 team finally give us the hope of having our own favorites folder for each model category. Now, we are at about 10,000 models and materials and we only have one favorites folder.

But maybe someone has another solution idea, because in the future we will have more wonderful Assets Model and Materials.

Unfortunately it’s really time consuming.
To be searched again each time in the Assets Model. Our favorite folder also already has 1000 models and materials but without being able to sort by category. That would be my Christmas wish

Of course, I also wish all great forum members, as well as the whole D5 team, especially Oliver, Jessie, who are doing a great job in the forum.

Snow greetings from Switzerland

Hi dadi,

Merry Christmas! And thank you for your kind words :innocent:
Your suggestions about the assets library will not come out in 2.4, but our team are working on them to improve D5 library comprehensively. It will probably come out next year.

Best wishes,

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