Lumion-type quick setup landscapes/preset scenes

Hi, new user coming from Lumion. Love D5, but I found the lumion landscape presets really easy to load and get a forest landscape scene going very quickly. I work in architecture and liked to drop house models into the forest scene in lumion for a quick render. D5 seems great for creating landscape scenes but it takes a lot of time to get something decent going. Should I just make my own preset forest scene model?

Or is there anywhere I can download 3D landscape models/scenes for D5 that I can drop my models into to create a scene quickly?


Hiii @jonathanwall82 ,

May I know your current D5 Version?
May I know your hardware? and hardware version?
Have you tried to monitor and optimize your RAM and VRAM usage?
D5 may have crashed due to heavy loads and unoptimized RAM and VRAM
You may refer to this post in optimizing both your RAM and VRAM

Hi @jonathanwall82,

First, welcome to the D5 render forum. Apologize for encountering this issue as soon as you tried to use our D5 render software. Unfortunately, D5 render has some limitations regarding scene presets, it requires more time to ensure compatibility is not an issue syncing with our different workflows. However, this issue that you pointed out has been in work in progress and hopefully, we can have some updates soon but D5 has almost 14,000 assets that you could use, you can build a scene in a very short amount of time.

You can use our:

-D5 Scatter: How to use D5 Scatter? | User Manual

-Brush and Path Presets:
Brush : D5 Render

-HDRI Presets:

Hope this feature will help you at the moment while our dev team is working on some more exciting updates.

Thank you.