Looking to save a modified color to D5 wall paint in my local library can this be done?


Thanks in advance for any help on this. I have a paint library of colors that I use a lot and I want to modify the wall paint color in the D5 library to different colors I use and save it to my local library. Is there a way to do this?
Steps I tried:

  1. selected an object applied white wall paint from D5 library.
  2. replaced base color map to a .png color I have in my library materials
  3. saved it to local.
  4. go to local and the modified color is white and not green.

Is there anyway to overwrite the base color of the D5 white wall paint with a .png base color from my paint library and save it in local?


Hi massa.sm, if I can help you, I need to understand what you mean. Put on this forum that you posted the directions with a picture of what you are doing. So I can understand well, not only to me as a colleague, but also to the D5 team.

Hi riccardofortelli,

I am trying to create my library of paint colors and was trying to simply use the existing white wall paint then re-saving it as the new color and when I go look in local the color is still white and not the new color. Please see attached. Thank you.

Hi again,

To create my custom paint library I ended up simply clicking on objects then dragging dropping my existing .png paint colors from my library then using the AI tool to generate the maps for each .png base color. I was tempted to simply keep dragging the .png maps colors over and saving quickly without using the AI generator or filling in with my rough, metallic, normal maps then thought what if I changed one of the colors would this affect all of the other colors in my library with the same named rough, metallic, normal maps? Therefore, each .png color I dragged over to the custom material I generated the other maps - roughness,metallic, normals for each one just in case. Please clarify the best approach to re-create my existing .png paint library for D5. I want to avoid batch importing all of the other maps with each color and would rather drag and drop the color save to local and rename. I am not sure if I need to use the AI generator tool for each .png color so those maps correspond with the same name making it a whole material?
Thank you,

Hi sorry for the delay in your question. The first thing I ask you is what program do you use? Usually if I have to make a material from the graphics program to the render program I do it this way, the convenient system is to create an object like a sphere in graphics, put the mapping with the name of the texture for example white black yellow etc. …
then I synchronize with a new page D5 I click on it and D5 gives me the texture information then I use AI and the ruler, once this is done I render the sphere and save it with the name of the texture. Then I save the material in D5 which already has the name of the texture that you have synchronized on the graphics program, after which I go to your materials window and click on it with the right mouse button. Some entries will come out such as renaming the material or inserting the image of the texture or erases the object.
All this is a very long process, but you need to have tenacity and patience to do this, but there is an explanation on YouTube that I’ll put below.

I’ll also let you know if you want to create moving characters, but another explanation on how to set the materials is also interesting.

Hi riccardofortelli,

Thank you so much for responding!

I normally start with Substance Sampler and sometimes Designer to create my materials, and I use those programs because they work with multiple renderer programs where you can convert material maps to a long list of mostly used render engines.

I also use 3ds Max, and I have material template scenes where I think if I follow you correctly, I do the same thing where I map materials and save them to a specific material libraries.

I did manage to create my 1st material paint library in D5 by clicking on objects and dragging in .png base color maps from explorer then using the AI tool for each .png color map to then save to my local library. This worked and I noticed in the workspace material folder the category name I named it did not carry over, so I don’t know if it is supposed to or not be the same name you named it? I also asked this on Discord today, since I was finally able to get in to the server where I could ask a question.

One question when you have the same material type like a plain paint material for example that shares the same attributes for roughness, metallic and normal, is it necessary to generate AI maps for each individually named .png base color map or can I simply make my 1st paint color material with the AI tools then just replace the color and save as new color and repeat that process without having to use the AI generator tool for each .png paint color map?

Please advise if knowing the way I work if there is any better or more efficient method would be appreciated!


Hi, the method is not wrong, what you said is fine, only when you want to rename it be careful, after naming it click on the enter keyboard, so it takes the name, then with the image you need to change do the same thing like renaming. That’s all.
I wish you good work :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Riccardofortelli,

That’s great! There were a few times that when I entered the name it did not completely take, and I noticed that my paints that are in a specific order now have a few out of order.
I was trying to move them in the lineup and since that does not work, I will be more careful going forward with these material library creations. I will be able to go much faster now if I don’t need to generate an AI map for each .png color after the 1st generation .png color map is created with AI generated maps. It will be nice to just do this once and swap out just the .png color map to be saved as a new color!

Thanks again,


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