Loft Project - Brazil
Luis Arnas
RTX 3060 12GB
Sketchup 2021 - D5 - Photoshop cc
In this rendering I used HDRI + sun light and rectangular lights on the windows.
I used 3d models from 3d harehouse and 3d library from D5 render.
Hope you like it.
Oi tudo bem? Por favor, onde vc consegue blocos de boa qualidade para D5 Render? obrigada!
Olá. Muitos blocos eu consigo no site
Nessa cena em especifico utilizei blocos do 3d warehouse e a proporia biblioteca pro do D5.
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Hi Denise, you have to ask Luidarnas this, but just do research on the web, any large firms furniture, which they usually provide, their product, in 3D format. Usually they are in pdf with the measurements and therefore if you have to insert that object you have to build it and make a block with the same materials, if the company already has the 3D format in max, or SKP or other formats, even better to manage the block. But to have these blocks you must register on their site.
Then there are some BIM sites who have lists of various furnishings and objects of various types, sometimes of great companies even weaving is HDRI.