Location about download asset


I have a question about download d5render assets? Where is the location about download asset in pro version ,please?I think it’s in app data roaming.Can i change the location ?I don’t want my “c:” will be full.
I d like to downloaded the asset on an external hard disk for example(i could redownload for each project,it s not a problem for me)?Or have you got another solution please?
I don 't want my hard disk will be full with all those assets.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Best regards

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Hi Sébastien,

The file downloaded from Assets Library is in the installation directory, and the path is:
D5render(the folder where you install D5)\d5_immerse\Content
If necessary, you can reinstall D5 in other hard disks except for “C:”.

Have a nice day,


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