My name is Jimmy, I’m lighting designer in France and after working with Thea xgor long time, I bought D5.
Very nice, very smooth, very quick.
It’s so nice to use.
I have some suggestions to improve the lighting control.
On 1.9, nice to have add the group light control.
I just think it can be better to enter lumens instead of intensity.
Lumens is real value who can help to visualise if result is good. With lumens we can easily adjust one light from another.
Same for ies, when you upload it, you already have lumens.
In the same time, it can be so useful to have the option to add ies inside the sketchup plugin, yet we can not.
Thanks for reading.
Best regards.
Jimmy Bruel
To better interact with you and cater to your suggestions, we have added the 「Voice of D5 Users」.
Hi, thank you for posting here. After reading your letter I consulted the tech team, and they told me our engine has had the lumens parameter, it is just not shown on UI. We choose the word Intensity instead of Lumens, to help users understand the UI better, but the lighting effect is calculated according to lumens…About another idea, I have shared it with the product team and they will take that into consideration.
Best regards,
Thanks for your reply. What I don’t understand is intensity settings are from 0 to 100, 100 lumens is very small…
Not sure this value is yet in lumens.
If I put 10000 in intensity, it seems to be very very high and white…
Hi enneka42, I mean we set Intensity as quantization unit on UI, but the function of the underlying engine calculates lumens. I am sorry that I do not know how the tech team writes the algorithm, they just told me lumens are included in the lighting system, maybe we will add the parameters in future…
Really hope it.
Yet it’s really difficult to test potential result with only value from 0 to 100.
All other renders use lumens.
Can be good and it will not be very difficult for beginners, when they buy light, they see lumens on, it will help them.
Best regards
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@Oliver.J when you would add Lumens values as they are representing Reallife artificial lights, we buy spotlights, Downlight according to its lumens
Enscape has this feature !
Hello Hussein, the unit of light intensity of artificial lights in D5 Render is already Lumen.
The unit of light intensity of sunlight in D5 Render is Lux.
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Great and You have to mention that in D5 between brackets ( )
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ok, I will let our team know this.
Does the lumens in the intensity slider equate to real-world values? Like if I try to specify a single pinlight with 450 lumens and then duplicate it, it’s too bright for a 15 square meter bedroom…