Laycor plugin

could anyone upload the Laycor plugin once again? The provided link is already expired.

What do you mean for Laycor plugin?

or mentioned in some D5render youtube tutorials.

Hello, this plugin is a third party plugin, you can visit its official website to search for the download link.

Which offical website would that be, I cannot find ‘Laycor’ plugin in the food4rhino store or anywhere when searched in google. Do you have any clearer instructions to where to find the pluginWhich official website would that be? I cannot find the ‘Laycor’ plugin in the Food4Rhino store or anywhere when searched on Google. Do you have any clearer instructions on where to find the plugin??

Thanks for reporting this. We will update the link soon.

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will the “SynchronizeRenderColors” command in Rhino do the same job?