Language package for Italian

Hello D5 team, could you tell me the link to install the Italian language package for the D5 programThank you

Hello, thank you for your interest in this new feature. We will put the links to the language pack in the forum afterwards. You can look forward to it.

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Hi D5 team, I’m thrilled with the progress you’ve made to the program. Keep it up. :heart: :heart: :heart:PS: for the language link, where can I find it for Italian?

Hello, at the moment we haven’t released the link to the language pouches. Afterwards if there are they will be put on the forum. But at the moment I’m not sure which languages will be available. You can keep an eye on the forum.

Hi, there is an update for Italian language? Thanks

Ciao busato.devis, mi dispiace non è ancora pronto il pacchetto in lingua Italiana. Lo chiesto giorni fa, mi hanno risposto che procederanno al più presto.

Hi busato.devis, I’m sorry the package in Italian is not yet ready. He asked for days ago, they replied that they will proceed as soon as possible.