Jerky animation not smooth

Hi, I normally use Lumion for our event work, but i wanted to try D5. The problem that i am having is that when i am creating a continuous walk through video i find the transition not smooth- they are a little jerky compared to Lumion which creates very smooth movement with camera. I am doing something wrong?

Hello Nigel, we are keeping optimizing the movement curve of camera, besides, could you show us a video of the problem? If it is not convenient, please send it to
Besides, you can try reducing the amount of keyframes then see the result.

Thanks Oliver for your response. The problem is when you create more complicated paths through a scene where you change direction. The transition from one scene to another can feel a little robotic and not smooth. One way around it is adjust the angle of the camera/scene just before it goes into a direction change.
Another option which would be create is if you could insert keyframes between scenes or beable to drag scenes to a different order.

Ok nigel, I understand your meaning now, and I changed this topic to “ideas and requests” category, our product team will take it into consideration, thank you!

1.We will improve animation smoothness in version 2.2, which will be released in late March.
2.We are planning to optimize the animation module, still WIP. Plz stay tuned, and it will be improved in 2 versions.


I am having the same issue. setting up smooth camera transitions are a little challenging. I hope D5 will make this a little more easier like Lumion does.