Interior Render
Render by
D5 2.9 l NO AI l NO PS
they looks so greatt well done, how do you come out with such a soft renders even tho youre not post pro it in PS? cause I try to achieve that soft renders but it didn’t work many times, would love to hear some suggestions from you cause your renders look so good with D5
nice work, love it!!
I’m so glad you liked it! There are actually two key factors that make the render look soft and impressive. The first is your lighting setup, and the second is how well you’ve worked on your materials. Having a well-planned lighting composition can really make your project stand out. It shouldn’t be too bright everywhere or too dark overall. So, before starting your project, I recommend adjusting the natural light coming through the windows and working on your materials in detail. I hope this helps. Thank you!
Thank you
Good work!
It’s too dark for me.
I would have made the scene brighter with the sunlight and the many lamps.
I’m sure everyone sees it differently, which is good.
Thank you for your comment. My goal when preparing this render was to create a somewhat artistic and cinematic environment. If my goal was to present the project to the customer, I would do like you. Good luck.