Initial roughness setting

When I start a new project in D5 that has imported from Sketchup, all of the materials look like plastic as the roughness setting defaults to 40% - would it not be better to have everything set at maximum roughness to reduce the impact on hardware and to prevent unnecessary glare?

This is crazy necessery once importing the Google maps import which large scale model is full off small textures. Its impossible to set them all to 100 of roughness manualy

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Thank you for your feedback. I have forwarded it to the team, and we will re-evaluate and optimize it. :handshake:

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I’m encountering exactly the same issue, and it makes especially large terrain import from sketchup a nightmare, as there could be loads of tiles, with all different materials. It takes a huge amount of time to reset them all to a basic 100% roughness state.

So please, just add a small dialogue box in SU to define the way material are translated, it will help greatly !

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