Improved Pivot/Cursor handles

Another suggestion I wanted to make is about a little change in the Pivot. With the current position of the figures responsible for 1-axis-move and 2-axis move there is a situation when they align in one axis (on top of each other). When this happen I’m constantly (50/50 chance to happen) miss clicking the figure that I want and instead clicking and moving the wrong one (Mainly I want to execute 1-axis-move, but I have selected 2-axis-move. This is leading to >Hitting Ctrl+Z → Moving the camera a little bit, so the figures are no longer overlapping → target the correct one and finish my move. For some time it was bothering me, but not enought to write about it. But latetly when you create interiors you have to fine-tune alot of objects. It started bothering me more and more So I finally decided to give my opinion how it should be optimized in the images bellow.

This explains what is the problem


Improved cursor:


hi @Tekno23
Thanks for the suggestion
We are considering optimizing the click range of the axes to make the control area of each part clearer

Thanks for your feed back.