Import FBX with textures

When I import models into FBX the textures are missing…
I understand that it is difficult to implement as a function, but it is a basic thing, indeed I would say essential in 3D programs… Is it possible to fix?


Thank you for your feedback, can you use the converter to sync it?

Thanks to reply Bruce.
In my case no beacuse I use Autodesk Maya for my workflow and there isnt’s a sync for him…

Sorry for that, the FBX is imported without textures. Can you export your model into other formats like abc, 3dm, and skp which are fully supported by D5?

I’m also wanting to switch over my production to D5 but most of my projects use Google 3D Tiles (on avg 250 tiles per project). It’s impossible to manually assign textures in D5.

If I LiveSync the object to Blender will the textures import? And will they save?