Implementation of Interpolation Curves Between Keyframes

Hello, D5 Render community!

While working with D5 Render on some of my animations, I’ve noticed the absence of a feature that I believe would significantly enhance our animation capabilities: interpolation curves between keyframes.

For those unfamiliar, interpolation curves allow us to control the speed and acceleration between two keyframes. This enables smoother, more natural movements, especially when simulating physical phenomena like the swing of a pendulum or the oscillation of a seesaw.

To illustrate, imagine animating a swinging seesaw: in reality, it slows down at its extremes and speeds up in the middle due to gravity. Without interpolation curves, it’s challenging to convincingly replicate this movement, as the seesaw would move at a constant speed from one keyframe to the next.

I’m convinced that adding this feature could elevate the animations created with D5 Render to a whole new level, making them even more professional and lifelike.

I urge everyone who feels the need for this feature to show their support by replying to this post. I hope the D5 Render team will consider this request for future versions of the software.

Thank you for your attention, and keep up the great work!
