How to make the Render more Realsitic?

I want to make this Render look more Realistic. Need tips and steps to improve it

Hi judemenezes217, I apologize in advance, I downloaded your image from the Forum and have re-rendered it from the artificial intelligence site, which can give a different and realistic view of the room designed by you. Before inserting the image taken from the Krea site, I tell you that the image you created of the flooring is too light, you have to lower the color from 100 to 75 or 50, it depends on your tastes, then I’ll put you a video where the objects you have inserted are more realistic:

Then in the room there is a lot of light and few shadows, the result as you say is not realistic but a flat image.
If you have problems adjusting the environment and effects, just download an environment you like in Sene Exspres, open the file and then synchronize it with yours, so you will have all the settings of the Exspres file, or with the artificial intelligence that has D5 just insert an image of that Exspres Files to have the settings.
Now I’ll show you what KREA did

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Thank you so much for your valuable inputs . I will follow the steps

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