House on the Beach - Victor B. Ortiz | Architecture

House on the Beach - Victor B. Ortiz | Architecture


Fantastic work, it literally won me over, the images are very realistic. Minimal essences, only vegetation is wood, as if it had come out and is shaped by the tropical forest of Brazil. Then the staircase area and an art sculpture, Bravo Bravo Bravo is still Bravo. Here we see the architect in the true sense of the word, he is the technician, in realizing and visualizing in its entirety a project done well. :clap: :clap: :clap: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle:


Thank you very much for your kind words!
We truly try to bring in a unique perspective on architecture.
Coming from Brazil, and living internationally my whole life, I alway try to combine the locality and tropicality of Brazil, and the international technologies and construction techniques to the projects.
Its always an interesting challenge to go off the “norm” and try something new. Im glad you enjoyed this project!
As we head towards construction, we hope the final product resambles as closely as possible our renderings! We’ll keep everyone here posted!

Thanks again!


Sublime… ton équipe (?) ou toi-même êtes décidément excellents ! Vraiment. Un exemple pour nous tous ici.

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Grande trabalho! Poderia dizer como fez a areia da praia? Agradeço

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Love it !!

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Obrigado! Para a areia usei o material padrao do D5 mesmo, e aumentei o displacement um pouco. Mas acho que o segredo acaba sendo a direcao da luz, para criar a sompra nos montes de areia. Sempre vindo de lado ou de tras. Se a luz vier de frente (da camera), a imagem pode acabar ficando meio “flat”, e sem profundidade
Mas se quiser um bom lugar para achar texturas, normalmente nos baixamos do Poly Haven, ou do Ambient CG, que sao de graca!


Merci beaucoup! Je fais toutes les images moi-même ici au cabinet, juste parce que j’aime les faire!

Nice Work! both the render and the project. Congratulations.