**Theme: —
**Artist: CAD Exact
**Graphics Card: RTX3090
**Workflow: Model created in the EliteCAD architecture software
**Brief description of post-processing: —
**Whether the model is original: Yes
**Model source: My Brain
Really nice job… Very clean and friendly look.
The bricks look very authentic and I ike all the flowering shrubs and perennials in the front yard, just the larger background trees dont look much Lüneburger Heide-ish, more like Australia or Oceania.
Hello rpoerschke,
many thanks for your constructive comments.
I’ll have another look at the trees!
I thought I had used pines!
Which would be typical for this area, or birches.
Ok, here comes some nerd stuff: They might be Pinus pinea - Italian Pine- but I am positive they are Araucarias. You would need Pinus sylvestris for this location.
Try to find the botanical name in the D5 asset library - and double check with google… As great and impressive the asset library of D5 is, the labeling and categorizing of the vegetation assets is a big mess. Far from professional.
By the way…the term pine in the English speaking world refers not only to members of the genus Pinus (Kiefer) but to nearly all coniferous trees. Much room for confusion…
But that should be enough of this Sunday’s Klugscheisserei… Have a good one.
… It’s not always a bad thing to be smart-alecky.
II am said to be prone to it from time to time!
Here’s the next attempt, I think I’ll leave it at that: