**Theme: Underground
**Artist: Andreas Drexler
**Graphics Card: RTX 3090
**Workflow: 3D with Moments of Inspiration
**Brief description of post-processing: Nothing
**Whether the model is original: Yes
**Model source: my brain
Nice view.
Maybe you schould make the image less bright.
I think if this is ‘Underground’ it should be more spooky, may not all the lights
should be working, …
Overall nice brainproject.
Hello fmarchitecten,
thank you for your comments.
Regarding the lighting, I will probably create a variant.
Let’s see when I can find the time.
this one makes a much better impression, your model can be transformed into many more scenes, it reminds me of a zombie or nuclear shelter… lol, you did a great job.
Hello NgTrung,
thanks for the praise.
If the volumetric light worked as it should, it would look even better.
Hoping for 2.9 .