Hi, can I render at 300 dpi?

hi, can I render at 300 dpi?

Hi there if you are wondering whether you can render shots suitable for print then the answer is yes. For example If you want an A4 landscape render at print resolution then you can output the shot at 3508 x 2480 px (which are the pixel dimensions of A4 at 300dpi)
The shot will be rendered at 72 dpi. But if you open it up in your photo editing software And go to image size you will see that it is something like 1237 x 874mm. If you want to convert it to 300dpi make sure you uncheck resample (if you are in photoshop) and change the resolution to 300 pixels per inch. You will notice that the pixel dimensions don’t change but the width and height (in millimetres) will change to 297 x 210mm.
There is usually no need to convert to 300 dpi for print as it is only really the Image size in pixels that matters. It definitely needs to be the equivalent pixel size at 300dpi so in our case the render should be 3508 x 2480 px (which is 297x 210mm @ 300dpi) but as long as the pixel dimensions of the render is 3508 x 2480 it can be 72dpi, or 600dpi or 12 dpi.

I hope that helps

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