GS Headquarters - Victor B. Ortiz | Architecture

Sharing some views we did with D5 for our project named GS Headquarters, in collaboration with Obreval Arquitectura.
Hope you enjoy!



Nice work, I really like the images, I would say about this type of organic architecture, even though it uses natural materials, for example wood, it made me think, seeing the images, of the mushrooms that grow on the bark of a tree.
As regards the suspension bridge, although it uses the technology you mention, it is always inspired by the past, with Bruneleschi’s technology, that is, of intertwined beams and wooden planks that support each other, unloading the weight at the end of its cord to the ground. This ensures that you have large covers unloading at the end of the structure, this is the theory of the Sails.

Well done and still good

Let me put it simply…very cool! :smiley:

Fabulous !