Group Settings for Parallex

so, imagine you have scene with 20 Parallaxes, and you made all lightnings 3 for a scene but now you want to make them all 10 for another scene. you have change them one by one. a little hard. just like regular lights, which can be changed by group, Parallax lights are needed to be changed by group as well!

place parallex in a layer. set everything off, only parallex layer on. you can go easy trough all parallex cost maybe 10 minutes. i did this with a project of mine, with around 40 paralllex

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yes this is exactly what I did :grin: I went from the list. total of 170 Parallaxes. still, with right coding, I could’ve done it in less than 5 seconds.

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WOW… it’s fixed! you can do it now :joy: how did you guys do this, you didn’t even update the app :joy: :joy: :joy: