Feature Discussion|Stage Light is Coming!

Hi there! I just tested the stage light effect that we will roll out in the next version. :point_down:

About this new stage light, we optimized the fog effect and support Gobo(custom patterns).

More features to come! Please stay tuned.

:ok_man: Important:

We’d like to preset a few patterns to switch. Do you guys have any images or ideas to share?

For example, a D5 Render logo in color


Maybe you can insert something to simulate caustics there?


I think it is hard to simulate caustics using stage lights :pensive:

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Projector lights are a great way to simulate caustics. They are the only way I have ever seen used effective as a workaround. Obviously the light would have to support animated textures.

@cleblanc already in the development :wink:

I’m a designer, my job is to design clubs, I want to be able to use MA2 for control, similar to UE5 and depence 2, this is the product I use D5 pro to render, it works I spend too much time, my creative efficiency is low, is there any way I can install additional plusins ​​from outside for D5???
Refer to the product I use D5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHMdOav4uU4
Refer to the product I use UE5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gn7d29SMEgw
Refer to the product I use: Depence 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cW1UIzWrAnQ&t=159s