Emissive materials ON OFF per scene

Hi All,
I wonder if it was possible to add the ability to turn individual emissive materials off per scene.

I use a lot of lights in my scenes visualising looks for TV performances. So 99% of the time no natural light. LED lighting is intrinsic to what i produce.

By Grouping lights and hiding them in the window on the left makes it ideal for basic lighting states. So my idea is as soon as we trigger a material to be emissive its name appears in the left window like a light would. And in turn hide or show accordingly. We could name each area with a different material names and have some basic control over what is on or off. The emissive materials are so good now.

The other way is to bring in the emissive materials as objects but as far as I know theres no precise way to import models to align with your modelling software other than manually.


I second this. Emissive material on/off per scene would be super useful. Any chances to get it in future releases D5 team?

small detail but it would be helpful if this feature exist

I absolutely agree