Recently, I have many projects that need to be rendered in drawing and sketch form.
However, I still feel that D5 software still cannot do this part. So it takes a lot of time for me to process and post-process with 3rd party software.
This feature is also available in other software: for example Lumion,…
It would be great if the D5 now had a feature like this too. It will also save more time for my team and everyone.
I’m also having this problem
The D5 Render does not have Fx support to produce products that look like hand-drawn or watercolor paintings
So can you update it soon so I can use it for work?
No, only images. You’d have to export your video as individual frames, process each one and then edit them back together as a video - nobody has the time for that. It can have a very nice effect on panoramas though.
When i was using Lumion the Sketch effect is nice.
But ‘palletecad’ has the next best thing (mostly for images is best)
it is an effect. If d5 render can make something like this.
They have something else and better than the big guys.
1 Second has 30 Frames. My average movie is 1 minute and 30 seconds. So 2700 frames need to be calibrated. That is impossible.
If there was an effect available in D5, it would be great.