Downloadable User Manual in PDF?

I think that in addition to the Video-Tutorials, it should be great to have a Downloadable Users’ Manual in PDF, with more extensive and detailed explanations for the use of all D5 RENDER capabilities that obviusly cannot be shown in short videos, where the explanations have to be brief, due to the limitation of time.
It can also include “tips and tricks”, possible shortcouts, etc.


Hi there,

Thank you for the suggestion. It’s coming soon. And you could also refer to our youtube channel for some tutorial clips.

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Hi, once again!
I’m still missing a D5 RENDER User Manual/Guide in PDF (Preferably downloadable).
The video-tutorials are good but… not enough for a deep understanding of the capabilities of the program.

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Hi there,

It can be downloaded one page by one page. As for a complete one, we’re looking for new methods.

Thank you for the suggestion.

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