Dirt or weathering shader

a dirtshader would be interesting. Not AO!, I am talking about rust, stone and metal and so on, that makes materials more relistic. It is a kind of weathering. In Lumion there you can find it. It is very useful.
W1 W2


I also think this will have a huge improvement. I know its on the roadmap, lets hope its coming soon. In addition to this rounded edges will also add much realism.

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Round edges is also very useful.
I do hope, this will come to D5.

i think these will come as decals later

I did trial TwinMotion (not so great), they too have a dirt option in their materials, it was one of those things I loved!

I agree some sort of weathering to the materials. I use Lumion and this helps to create some unique surfaces in projects.

YES round edges PLEASE team. Thank you!

Definitely would love to have that weathering effects like Lumion. Helps scenes look way more realistic!

I would like to ask again, for the weathering shader.
D5 is brilliant, but the renderings still look too clean.
The real world is not clean.
I do hope, that this feature will come soon.
Here is an extrem example, made with Lumion 9.


i’d love this feature and an option for irregular textures and patterns similar to twinmotion.
it gives the scenes a more realistic touch.