it would be great if you could add dirt or aging to the materials in a quick way like lumion has.
Hi Kino, I totally agree with you it would be great to have this option of weathering/ruining the materials. I believe very much in the team and I also hope to be added in the next versions.
I agree you, but i think more perfect way will be, to add new feature in D5, i mean brush to paint on a faces/layers, like it is in blender. I already posted this idea here. I work for a Sketchup and then use D5 render wich is awesome, but i am Environment artist, and so, i need more details. I think same kind feature will solve your and mine problems at the same time and will be awesome one, to create detailed materials.
I agree with you 2 that it would be great to have the ability to weather/destroy materials, hopefully due to the bigger buzz around this it will be added.
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Hello everyone!
What are your alternative at the moment to create “damaged, used” materials?
Placing decals?
Aging and damaged materials aren’t so crucial for d5, ok. I usually prefer some good maps instead of a randomly generated, mediocre effect.
Yet, competition offers this feature since years and sometimes can be a fast, handy solution. A slider with map slot like the post above this will be great and probably not so difficult to implement.