D5 - strange geometry with large scene

Hi, I have a very large scene and I have synchronized the geometries.
I couldn’t find the sky so I moved the scene to the center of the axes.
Now, however, when launching a render, all the imported geometries behave in a very strange way while the assets work correctly.
Any suggestions?

Hello! Sorry for your issue.
First, please check if your model is too far away from the origin both in D5 and rhino.

Secondly, please check if the model’s textures are displaying abnormally in rhino? What are the parameters of the texture’s scale in rhino and D5?
Finally, please tell me the exact version number of D5 you are currently using, the rhino version and the rhino plugin version. Also, please show your system information as well.

I also suggest you send your rhino model file to us. You can share a link here or send your file to our email. (support@d5techs.com, please describe the problem and attach the link of this post to your mail)