**Graphics Card:3090
**Brief description of post-processing:House is built in Blender from CAD files, furniture and decor are modeled in 3DsMAX then everything is rendered in my favorite D5 render, and post-processing in Photoshop and Premiere. Music I bought the music on Audiojungle.
**Whether the model is original:CAD+3DsMAX+Blender
**Model source:Client brief
Thank you, As for the grass you are using a scatter tool. Remember to + SHIFT if you are painting on a surface. In the assets tab, you select grass and some additional plants. Also choose different variations so that the grass is not so even. Finally, when you cover the entire area with grass. Reduce the brush size and enlarge the grass to feed larger clumps. Then just add some other plant. Your imagination and moment of time. Remember that auto-exposure burns out frequently, so try to find better settings manually. greetings