D5 is unusable with Rhino because of Grouped geometry

The fact that you need to assign materials to your Rhino file before importing to avoid D5 grouping each individual object is crazy.

It basically means double the work: First put materials in Rhino and then put them all over again in D5…

Just make it so that the importer does not group objects per Rhino material at all! Please!
Let’s keep individual objects. Thanks!

D5 currently recognises materials as different materials only if they are differentiated in the modelling software.

This makes perfect sense. That is not the problem.

The problem is D5 does not recognize different objects if they do not have different materials in the rendering software.

For instance, if I have a Rhino model with balustrades, doors, windows, slabs, columns, etc. unless I apply materials inside Rhino before exporting, D5 interprets the entire model as one single object, that means I can only apply one single material to it inside D5. Naturally one would want to apply Glass to windows and concrete to slabs…

Thanks for the suggestion. The rhino plugin for D5 is currently unable to distinguish different objects in a model file for now. It may be optimised in the future.

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That would be great :pray: :pray: