Copy paste parameters in clips

To copy paste parameters in a clip.
For exemple if i have a lot of camera in a clip,to copy paste parameters (light,wind etc…)for each will good.
Anotherthing a path for the caméra to have a fluid movement in 360°.
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Thanks for sharing, we will consider these two ideas. By the way, you can copy-paste parameters between scenes in the scene list, so as a current workaround, you can go to the camera position, add a new scene in the scene list and copy its parameters.
Then go to another camera position, add a new scene, paste the parameters in the scene list, and refresh the camera to save the changes.

Hi, how to copy and paste the cemera parameter?

It is not supported yet, and we can only duplicate clips directly in D5…

it needs to be done, it improves your workflow and the job is halfway done cause you can do it for scenes

It can be saved to the cloud in the 2.5 version, please stay tuned!