Coordinates change after revit reload / sync

This is also a problem when using Revit Live Sync. Please address this! Using Sync co-ordinates has not helped. My workflow involves using both a sketchup model and a Revit model, with the same co-ordinates, in the same D5 scene, if the co-ordinates are this complicated to work with upon reload it is really putting me off this software which is otherwise great to work with.

Did you use the sync plugin to sync to D5 after you modified the overall extent of the model in revit and the model was misaligned? Which version of revit and sync plugin are you currently using? Is it only specific models that are misaligned now, or do all revit models experience this problem?

Hi there
Thanks for replying.
Yes. I am using the Revit plugin with Sync.
This is my first time switching my entire workflow to D5 so it is the first time I am having this issue. Although I also had it when using SKP. live sync.
For this project I am using RVT 2021 and latest version of Revit Sync downloaded 17th May.

I managed to align my SKP and RVT models in D5 using the align co-ordinates button. Everything was positioned perfectly.
At the end of the day I shut down, next morning I open Revit and D5 again, make some changes to the Revit, but the overall extent of the model did not change (small interior changes to the building), but when I re-sync, the Revit model is rotating / moving.
At first I though maybe the sketchup was moving but after look at all my scenes I realised the RVT. model has rotated to a new axis of rotation.

Through some trial and error I managed to figure out the degree of rotation the model had moved, and luckily I had written down the co-ordinates of the model in the correct position so I managed to reposition it in the correct place, but this costs me time in my workflow and it is inconvenient. Is there a way to “lock” positions of models in the D5 workspace?

Thank your for the reply and all the details. Wouldl you mind sending your revit and su models to us as well as your D5 file. This may help us better solve your problem. You can share a link here or send your file to our email. (, please describe the problem and attach the link of this post to your mail)