Hello, I’m new here and I wanted to ask a question. I imported an animation from Blender4.0 into D5 in .abc. The import even works, but the animation doesn’t work. Does anyone know what can it be?
Hello @jordan.allysson
- Please first check whether the dynamic mode is enabled.
- This issue could be related to the settings when you export it from Blender. When exporting .abc from Blender, do remember to check this option: Triangulate.
Here’s a tutorial on our forum for reference: https://forum.d5render.com/t/turorial-how-to-export-abc-file/12149#blender-1
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I imported it and everything went well, but the textures didn’t come through, how do I solve it?
Hi @duh182
I apologize but this is currently a limitation with animated files (.abc), you may need to set the textures in D5 Render.
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