AO control and contact shadows


I would like to give a suggestion for the next version of the software. I don’t know if it would be something easy to add to the next version.

I don’t see Ambient Occlusion in the renders. In small details it is necessary to have this option to give more realism to the scene. In addition to adding AO, it would be perfect to be able to control its intensity since other real-time renderers do not have this option. It would be a differential for the D5.

The AO should improve the contact shadows. I mean, the shadow exactly where an object touches another surface.

Thank you. I look forward to seeing the evolution of the D5.


I agree with what you said, what is missing for the D5 Render
is precisely this control of the shadows on the contact surfaces,
it will make the render more real.

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Yes, an Ambient Oclussion modifier is needed, this is even more important than LUTs for realism, in my opinion.

thanks for the awesome information.

thanks my issue has been fixed.