「ANNOUNCEMENT」New release and partnership with Maxtree

We are happy to announce that the excellent Plant models from Maxtree is already to use in D5 Render.

Appreciate Maxtree for providing the great Plant models as a sponser, including more than 200 free plant models, so our users could also enjoy the rendering ready models for free.

In this update, you can find the new release of 52 models in built-in library of Model covered Broadleaf, Conifers, Palm, Clusters, Grass, Flower, ect here:

And all of these are marked by the logo of Maxtree


Maxtree focused on environmental solutions in 3D program, offer the best products for 3D artist and Company to solving create environment element in 3D program.

Link of Maxtree: maxtree.org


Could you please tell me where are the trees located once downloaded. They took a lot of my space in my C: hard drive. Also is it possible to have them stored on other hard drive.

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