Anima 4D people in D5

Hi guys,
I’m just wondering if there is a way to use AXYZ anima 4D people in D5 render ?

Hello! Anima 4D people from AXYZ is not supported in D5 at this time.

I’m currently trying to find a work around for this. I’m able to export out the animated characters in to alembic and import them into D5 just fine. I was also able to export out the texture sequence for the models.
But here’s my current issue: As I tried to render the texture sequence into .mp4 format and load them into D5. The texture play back doesn’t match up with the model’s animation. Is there a way to sync them up so the animated textures work with the model ?. Since anima models have multiple animated UV sets that it require the texure playback and animated mesh key frames to match. Or it will cause some artifacts.

Apologies for this. The textures of AXYZ’s models are encrypted and do not support D5 at the moment, so this causes the issue. Maybe in the future we will have some improvements about 4D characters.