A section plane ERROR in Revit models

The problem continues in 2.7
A section plane in Revit models does not work if the wall has layers.

Hello. Could you show a screenshot of the section problem you are currently experiencing? This may help us to better understand and solve the problem you are experiencing.

Wall in revit with layers gives error in filling the cutting plane…

Hello. Did you click on preview fill colour after using the fill function? You need to click here to see the fill in the preview.

BTW, is it convenient to send me this model you used for testing? That way we could better identify the cause of the problem. You can share a link here or send your file to our email. (support@d5techs.com, please describe the problem and attach the link of this post to your mail)

Hello, please check your model for incomplete boundaries, overlapping, staggered front and back, etc., all of which can cause incorrect fill effects.

I send the files.

Thanks for this. We will check it. :ok_hand: