3ds max live sync problem

Some geometry show the facets of the faces (subdivisions) when imported through the live sync method. This problem disappears if you export through the d5a format or skp on the converter, or even native FBX through 3ds max. In the attachment, its notorious on the black aluminum.

Hi mate, can you collapse it and try again? If the problem persists, Can you send the max file to us for troubleshooting? the performance sometimes looks different due to the different logic between sync and direct reading. Anyway, we will check it, Thank you for your feedback!

Let me try collapsing, but the problem its not only visual, that image it’s a render, 'cause I thought the same, but on the render was present the same problem. Let me try your advice an I come back with the results.

Tried both, collapse like mesh and collapse like stack result, with the same results.

Here is my file

Hi mate, we check the model and find it’s a UV problem, please give UVW map to the objects if you find the subdivision faces. Sorry for the language, we only have the Chinese version of 3ds Max.

Thanks a lot pal, let me try this method.