Bump, really feeling like there is an enormous need for this feature at my firm.
This really would be an excellent addition, ideally with QR codes auto generated that link to the relevant panoramas/tours
It would be realy nice to have this feature. I Use enscape a lot, but I’m really convinced of the D5 quality. The lack of this feature keeps me from going all in on D5
I see that the Virtual Tour feature has been included in the Teams package. But there is no such functionality in the Pro package. For me, as a single user, it makes no sense to buy the Tims package, where I have to buy at least 2 seats at once and pay $150 per month. Is there any possibility to make a subscription Pro+, where the possibility to use Virtual Tour will be added. Again - this is not favourable for single users and too expensive.
I support this.
As a single user I would also pay something extra for the Virtual Tour feature, but I have no need for the other features in the Teams package.