2.9.1 hotfix

New and Improvements

  • Compatibility with old mouse cursor mode in Preferrence settings
  • Compatibility with old atmospheric perspective mode in Preferrence settings
  • Disabled FPS Booster for Complex Geometry for rendering outputs
  • Optimized downloaded asset icon


  • Inability to use some shortcuts on keyboards with AZERTY and QWERTZ layouts
  • Lag when moving objects using gizmo after long-time operation
  • Camera lag when activating the Fly mode for advanced cameras
  • Inability to reflect material UV changes in real time on livesync models
  • Blurry textures of livesync models in specific scenes
  • Viewport stuck when deleting models in SketchUp after suspending live sync
  • Unwanted resetting of adjusted base color map after using AI Make Seamless
  • Loading of Studio presets stuck at 100%
  • Inability to save presets to Studio when certain assets can’t be found in the corresponding file path
  • Incorrect phasing animation visibility effects
  • Incorrect selection logic when adding models by group for phasing animation
  • Incoherent model size change when scaled with the shortcut key “C” before placing down

Please, where can we download the 2.9.1 hotfix, on your site the version to download is always and when opening the software the update does not appear?


Run D5 and it will ask you to update automatically

No, it does not offer any updates.

As they say in my country.
Nothing here, nothing there.
No update to version 2.9.1, either automatically or by trying to download it directly from the page.

Hello, sorry for the late reply, the new version is currently in the gray release phase with a limited number of slots each time. It will be fully rolled out in a few days.

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