193 RAL Classic wall Paint

hello to all.
I want to share with you my library of RAL materials for D5.
193 RAL Classic.

From the link you can find folders:

  • RAL category. Folder that you must put in the path …/library/material
  • Palette. Folder that contains the 193 RAL colors 4k png
  • Map. Folder with the 4K maps for Normal and Specular

In the folder RAL category you have only one RAL material (RAL_1000_Green_beige). Just replace the png map with the desired one in the Palette folder. Creating 193 materials takes a lot of space in our HD/SSD/M2. More convenient to have only one RAL material and change the color map.

Good work to all



Thank you very much . :grinning:

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:clap: Wow, I just saw this topic, thank u very much Gianluca


Thank you very much for your generosity!
These will definitely make things easier and more correct :slightly_smiling_face: :+1: :+1:

I’m happy to see it, hope to integrate more and more colors like this :

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sure. ^_-

Thank you very much . :+1: :muscle: :pray:

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Thanks for sharing. What are the material dimensions?

Allenm … material dimension in 4k

Hello. Yes. The resolution is 4K. I’m referring to the physical size. Like 2 meters x 2 meters, 3 m x 3 m. Etc. physical size is important for proper scaling, seaming, and so on.

physical size … ok ok
all maps are seamless
from my tests 2m x 2m … maximum 3 x 3m

Thank you so much for sharing! Great texture <3

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Thank for sharing!

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can u make a video explaining the steps? I’m beginner :frowning:

Ok, no problem. :wink:

Thank you so much!

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thank you for this beautiful work and sharing, it was very useful to me

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Thank you! :pray:

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