Incorporating view name in its rendering filemane

I have searched and can’t find the manner in which you can have the name of a view be incorporated in the name of the final rendering. This is more important if you are using a batch of dozens of images.

Hi, thanks for the suggestion, I will share this suggestion to the team. :smile:

This is critical if you keep updating the images, and those are linked in Photoshop / InDesign. There must be a way to control batch render file name so that all file names stay the same for linking.


Thanks for the advice, have shared with the team.

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Any updates on this? Seems like something that can be easily updated , helping productivity a great deal.

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Any updates on this? Why is taking so long to fix something that is so simple but important for productivity.

I cannot understand why D5 insists to use useless file names for batch render. In v 2.6, now batch file names have the view name, but it still adds time stamps. If the images are already linked to other programs, such as Photoshop or Indesign, the link will break.

Also, now it adds 1, 2, 3, number after the file name if you have rendered the same images unless you clear the finished images. How stupid is it. You are adding new dates in the file unnecessarily, then add another #s in the file name?

What’s so difficult to understand to correct the batch file naming?

The previous requests were clear on that. It shouldn’t be difficult to have proper file names with batch render? Please.